

Designing information architectures and clear, localizable content to make a challenging job a little bit better.

Design for Well-Being

Content moderation at scale is a growing challenge across the internet, and Facebook’s global team of XXK content reviewers works around the clock to keep the platform safe. In partnership with Facebook’s Global Resiliency Team, I design strategic tool improvements to reduce harm and support reviewers' well-being.



Company: Facebook
Role: Information Architecture, Interaction Design
Timeline: August 2017 – present


In order to comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted certain details and visuals.

For the first time, we’re adding preferences that let reviewers customize how they view certain content. [...] They can now choose to temporarily blur graphic images by default before reviewing them. We made these changes after hearing feedback that reviewers want more control over how they see content that can be challenging. – Facebook Newsroom
A Facebook content moderation facility. Image courtesy of the Facebook Newsroom:

A Facebook content moderation facility. Image courtesy of the Facebook Newsroom: